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The Division's goal is to protect the residents of Hoboken and the visiting public from hazards found in the environment, home, and workplace through appropriate surveillance, intervention, education, and outreach.

The Division of Health operates pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:52 (Public Health Performance Standards for Local Boards of Health) and N.J.S.A. Title 26 (Health and Vital Statistics). The Division is operated under the supervision of Nancy A. Tarantino, a Health Officer, who is licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health.

The Division manages health inspections, provides consumer and environmental health services, works in conjunction with the Hoboken Office of Emergency Management to respond to any widespread health emergency, operates vaccine clinics, investigates notifiable diseases, and includes the Office of Vital Statistics & Licensing, which oversees vital records and licensing such as dog licensing, birth certificates, marriage licensing etc.


A paramount responsibility of the Health Division is to conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections of restaurants, bars, housing units, and other facilities which serve and/or store food and/or beverages in the City of Hoboken under the N.J.A.C. Chapter 24. Inspectors also investigate sites in response to complaints. If you have any questions or want to file a complaint, please call our office at (201) 420-2375.

Examples of inspections conducted by the division includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Housing
  • Heat/Hot water
  • Vermin Infestations
  • Mold
  • Swimming Pools
  • Tattoo Shops/Parlors
  • Shelters
  • Drug Stores/Pharmacies

Hoboken property owners are required to provide adequate heat from Oct. 1 through May 1. As per Hoboken municipal code, property owners must provide heating facilities which are properly installed, maintained in good and safe working conditions, and are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms and bathrooms to a temperature of at least 70-degrees. Tenants experiencing insufficient heat, or other heat related issues, should contact their landlord first. If the issue is not resolved, residents should contact the Hoboken Health Department at 201-420-2375 or schedule an appointment with the City’s tenant advocate at https://sobelhancannonllp.simplybook.me/v2/.


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Division of Health

Division of Health

Animals: Dog Licensing/Rabies/Animal Control

The Division of Health's Office of Vital Statistics & Licensing oversees dog licensing. All dogs of licensing age (7 months of age or possessing a permanent set of teeth) kept in Hoboken must have a current license. The registration tag must be securely attached to the dog’s collar or harness at all times. The Office of Vital Statistics & Licensing can be reached at (201) 420-2000, extensions 5215 or 5216. A license application can also be found here: click here.

In order to receive a license, dog owners must provide evidence that the animal has been inoculated with a rabies vaccine. The vaccine must be repeated at intervals provided by regulations of the NJ Department of Health, and must be administered by a duly licensed veterinarian, or a veterinarian permitted by law to do the same. Click here for an exemption form. For more on rabies prevention, and what to do if you, or your pet, has been exposed, click here.

The City of Hoboken entered into a temporary contract with the Jersey City Division of Animal Care & Control which took over services from the Liberty Humane Society as of Jan. 1, 2024.  This agreement will allow Jersey City to continue the animal control and sheltering services in Hoboken, that were provided by the Liberty Humane Society. Jersey City Animal Control is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will answer all animal control calls coming from Hoboken from 7 a.m. through 10 p.m., except for Jersey City municipal holidays. From 10 p.m. through 7 a.m. and on Jersey City municipal holidays, only emergency calls are dispatched. Hoboken residents who require animal control services can continue to call (201) 547-4888. Please visit the Jersey City Division of Animal Care & Control for more.

Vaccines/Vaccine Clinics

The City of Hoboken and Division of Health work closely with local medical providers, pharmacies, and the Hudson Regional Health Commission to regularly provide updated vaccines for a variety of viruses including COVID-19 and the flu. Please follow us on social media, @HobokenHealthNJ, for clinic schedules and other important updates regarding vaccines.

You can also click here, to make an appointment.

Rodent Mitigation

The Division of Health works in conjunction with other divisions and departments, as well as residents, businesses, private contractors, and utility companies, to mitigate the rodent population in Hoboken. See what the City is doing to implement rodent control practices, click here: How we can mitigate rodents in Hoboken.

Our investigators will inspect reports of rodent activity. Inspectors will check the area where the activity was sighted to identify burrows and point of entry to structures. The inspector also conducts a survey of the neighborhood to identify possible food sources, habitat, harborage, etc. and checks sewer inlets. If a property (or properties) is identified, the owner is sent a notice of violation with directions for how to abate the code violation.

Please report sightings at (201) 420-2375 or submit a concern.

Communicable Disease Services

Timely reporting of a communicable disease ensures that they can be investigated quickly, and public health control measures can be implemented to prevent further spread under the N.J.A.C Chapter 57. Public health agencies can assist with developing appropriate education, guidance, and infection control recommendations based on disease trends. To report a communicable disease, please call (201) 420-2375. Click here for a list of reportable communicable diseases.



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