Sealed bids will be received by an authorized representative of the City of Hoboken, Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing, c/o City Clerk’s Office, 94 Washington Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 in the County of Hudson and State of New Jersey on Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 2:00 pm prevailing time, and then publicly opened and read aloud for:
BID NO. 25-01 -Bank Project Number: TB0905-001 Federal Project Number: 1055301 State Job Number: 6305318 FRANK SINATRA DRIVE COMPLETE STREETS REDESIGN PHASE 2 OF 2 – FRANK SINATRA DRIVE
The City of Hoboken (City or Owner) is soliciting bids for Frank Sinatra Drive Complete Streets Redesign Phase 2 of 2 – Frank Sinatra Drive. This work generally consists of the milling and overlay of Frank Sinatra Drive, the construction of a concrete island that will separate the roadway from a bicycle path to be constructed within the existing roadway width, the installation of raised crosswalks, the construction of new ADA-accessible curb-ramps and the installation of associated landscaping,
pavement markings and signage.
The final day to submit any bid questions shall be 12:00 PM on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025. The work contemplated under this Contract shall be completed on or before 3 6 5 days after Notice to Proceed. Copies of plans, specifications, and contract documents will be on file for public inspection and may be obtained at the offices of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 301 Carnegie Center Boulevard, Suite 202, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 upon payment of $300, said sum not refundable,
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. prevailing time, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. An electronic set of Bidding Documents can be provided at no charge via email at
Bids shall be made upon the prescribed forms, furnished with the Contract Drawings and Specifications, including the non-collusion affidavit and ownership statement compliance form and must be accompanied by a Consent of Surety and a certified check, cashier's check, or Bid Bond of not less than ten (10%) percent of the amount bid and, not to exceed $20,000.00. Such checks and Bonds shall be made payable to the Owner and will be held as a Guarantee that in the event the Bid is accepted and a Contract awarded to the bidder, the Contract shall be duly executed and its performance properly secured. The successful bidder shall furnish and deliver to the Owner a performance and payment bond in the amount of 100 percent of the accepted bid amount as security for the faithful performance and payment of the Contract. Further, the successful bidder must furnish the policies or Certificates of Insurance required by the Contract. In default thereof, said checks and the amount represented thereby will be forfeited to the aforesaid Owner as liquidated damages.
Bids must be accompanied, in the case of corporations not chartered in New Jersey, by proper certificate that such corporation is authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey.
Pursuant to P.L. 2019, c.406, a contractor that is debarred from contracting with a federal government agency, along with any affiliates of the debarred contractor, is now prohibited from contracting for “public work” with any State or local government entity. This prohibition applies to all entities subject to the Local Public Contracts Law or Public-School Contracts Law, as well as to county colleges.
Proposals are being solicited through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.3 et seq., and as such, contractors are exempt from the limitations on making political contributions under that law. Further, for that reason, as well as because of language in New Jersey’s Annual Appropriations Ace, refusal to disclose campaign contributions otherwise required by N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.3 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.25 et seq., will not adversely affect your consideration for award.
Bidders/Vendors/Contractors are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq.and N.J.A.C. 17:27, as amended, regarding equal employment opportunity. All corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies must comply with N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2 regarding disclosure of partners, members, and stockholders.
In addition, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 7% has been assigned to the contract by the NJDOT Division of Civil Rights. All bidders are required to submit a DBS/ESBE/SBE Participation Plan/Commitment (CR-266) and DBE/ESBE/SBE Confirmation Forms (CR0273 and
applicable CR-272 and/or CR-274), supporting documentation and Good Faith Effort (GFE) documentation. If the apparent low bidder’s commitment fails to meet the established Contract goal and they fail to provide adequate documented evidence of their GFE, the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder could be awarded the contract.
Each bid must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder, addressed to the Owner and labeled for the BID NO. 25-01.
The successful bidder will be required to comply with all provisions of prevailing wage rates as determined by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-23.3, the bidder may request a withdrawal of a bid, due to a mistake on part of the bidder, within five (5) business days after a bid opening. After the five (5) business days, all bids shall be irrevocable, not subject to withdrawal and shall stand available for a period of fifty-five (55)
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids pursuant to applicable law and regulations, to waive informalities or irregularities in the bids received and to accept the bid from the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.
To protect the health and safety of everyone, vendors are encouraged to submit their proposals via certified mail or overnight delivery.
Jennifer Mastropietro, QPA,
Purchasing Agent
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Topic: Project Goal Requirements
Small Business Enterprise (ESBE) Goals
State Funded Contracts: Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Goals
The following guidance is provided to help ensure a bid is not rejected for being non-responsive and/or not
responsible due to Civil Rights Goal Requirements.
All bidders are required to submit a DBE/ESBE/SBE Participation Plan/Commitment (CR-266) and
DBE/ESBE/SBE Confirmation Forms (CR-273, and applicable CR-272 and/or CR-274), supporting
documentation and Good Faith Effort documentation for every contract they bid on that has an established
Contract DBE, ESBE or SBE goal. It is in the best interest of the New Jersey Department of
Transportation/public contracting agency as well as the contracting community.
DBE Goal: Only certified DBEs may be used to satisfy DBE goals.
ESBE Goal: Either certified DBEs or ESBEs may be used to satisfy ESBE goals. SBE Goal:
Only current registered SBEs may be used to satisfy SBE goals.
NOTE: If the apparent low bidder’s commitment fails to meet the established Contract goal and they fail to
provide adequate documented evidence of their Good Faith Efforts (GFE), the next lowest responsive and
responsible bidder could be awarded the contract.
This project requires that all bidders at time of bid, or within five (5) days of bid opening: Forms CR- 266, CR-
273, CR-272, CR-274 with supporting documentation, and documented evidence of Good Faith Effort (GFE).
Be sure to include ALL required forms and documentation as follows:
o CR-266 “Schedule of DBE/ESBE/SBE Participation”, listing each firm that will be used to meet the
contract goal; the classification or role the firm will play on the contract; NAICS Codes for the kind
and type of work the firm will be performing on the contract; specific contract items, including
identification of items where partial work will be performed; dollar value of proposed subcontract. If
the Bidder is itself a DBE, ESBE or SBE they must list themselves on the CR-266, include the
NAICS codes and only the value of work they will self-perform for which they are certified as a DBE,
ESBE or SBE to perform.
o CR-273 “Confirmation of DBE/ESBE/SBE Firm”, for each firm listed on the CR-266. Provide all
information requested on the form, including the specific contract items and item descriptions, noting
identification of items where partial work is being performed; answers to the questions listed on the
form, and proposed dollar value of the work the firm will perform.
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o CR-272 “DBE/ESBE/SBE Regular Dealer/Supplier Verification” – for each Regular
Dealer/Supplier listed on the CR-266
o CR-274 “DBE/ESBE/SBE Trucking Verification” and supporting documentation– for
each trucker/trucking firm/transportation firm listed on the CR-266
Make sure that all required forms are PROPERLY, ACCURATELY and FULLY COMPLETED and
signed. Bidders are not to complete any portion of the CR-273, CR-272 or CR-274 forms, except
for Bidder signature, unless they themselves are the prime DBE, prime ESBE or prime SBE. These
forms must be completed and signed by the respective DBE, ESBE or SBE.
· Bidder failing to submit a CR-266; submitting a blank CR-266; or failing to sign the CR-266.
· Bidder failing to list themself, when they are a DBE, ESBE or SBE. (Note: They should
only list the value of work they will self-perform, and not any work they will subcontract
· Bidder failing to submit a fully completed CR-266, including kind and type of work, contract
items and item descriptions each firm listed will perform.
· Identifying SBE and/or ESBE subcontractors on the CR-266 for a Federally funded, DBE
· Bidder failing to submit COMPLETED and SIGNED CR-273 forms confirming agreement
for each firm listed on the CR-266.
· Not verifying and confirming the proper NAICS Code(s) in the NJUCP directory for the
classification of work the DBE or ESBE is certified for and committed to perform.
· Failing to identify the correct item numbers, work descriptions, materials to be supplied
and NAICS codes on the CR-266 and CR-273; CR-272 and CR-274 for federally funded
· Bidder failing to submit a COMPLETED and SIGNED CR-272 (Dealer/Supplier
Verification) for each dealer/supplier listed on the CR-266.
· Bidder failing to submit a COMPLETED and SIGNED CR-274 (Trucking Verification) and
required supporting documentation for each trucking firm/ trucker/transportation firm listed
on the CR-266.
· Item Numbers and Contract Amounts on CR-266 and CR-273 don’t correspond or match.
· Bidder completes and signs the CR-273 for the DBE, ESBE or SBE subcontractor.
· Firms listed on the CR-266 are not certified as a DBE or are not a SBE with current
· Failure to submit documented evidence to support Good Faith Efforts (GFE) when the
bidder fails to document enough DBE, ESBE or SBE participation to meet the goal.
· Submitting inadequate documentation to support Good Faith Efforts (GFE) when the
bidder fails to document enough DBE, ESBE or SBE participation to meet the goal.
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If you have any questions or need clarification concerning the above forms, please contact the
Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action’s Contractor Compliance Unit at 609-963-2047 or by email
at DOT-