
RFP – 22 - 14 - Request for Qualifications (RFQ) : City of Hoboken Request for Qualifications from Individuals or Firms Interested in providing professional Actuary Services to the City of Hoboken This Addendum # 3

RFP – 22 - 14 - Addendum #3




RFP – 22 - 14

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) :

City of Hoboken Request for Qualifications from Individuals or Firms Interested in providing professional Actuary Services to the City of Hoboken This Addendum # 3, dated November 30, 2022 is issued to modify the above mentioned RFP and is hereby made part of the RFP documents. Please attach this Addendum #3 to the original documents in your possession and ensure same is included in your proposal.

The complete version of addendum #3 which contains 10 questions, answers, and reports were sent to all vendors that received the complete RFP package and will be provided to all vendors requesting the RFP package starting today.

The City will not accept RFI and questions at this time The complete version of addendum #3 is posted on the City of Hoboken website and may be obtained from the Purchasing Department, City Hall 2nd Floor,  94 Washington Street, Hoboken, N.J. 07030 during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Telephone: (201) 420-2000 ext. 1401, or Email: purchasing@hobokennj.gov.

There are no other changes to this RFP documents as part of this addendum.

ATTEST:                     Date: November 30, 2022

Jennifer Mastropietro, QPA

Purchasing Agent

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