RFP 25-04 - Competitive Contracting Specialized Landscape Maintenance Services This Addendum # 1 dated February 27, 2025, is issued to modify the above-mentioned RFP, and is hereby made part of the RFP documents. Please attach Addendum #1 to the original documents in your possession and ensure same is included in your proposal.
This addendum includes:
Q1. Regarding irrigation work, please list the quantity for the following:
Water Connections
A1. Southwest:
1 controller
13-15 zones
Please refer to attachment 3.
There is (1) water line to feed irrigation.
605 Jackson
1 controller
5 zones
Please refer to attachment 3.
There is (1) water line to feed irrigation.
7th and Jackson
2 controllers
8 zones
Please refer to attachment 3.
There is (1) water line to feed irrigation.
ResilienCity Park
1 controller
67 zones
Please refer to attachment 3.
There is (1) water line to feed irrigation.
Q2. Regarding the irrigation, for "Service Visits" What work shall be included in this item, since repair work shall be separately priced. Please be specific as to what should be included in "Service Visits"
A2. “Service Visits” refers to the (2) general maintenance visits of the entire irrigation systems outside of activation and winterization services.
Q3. For Soil Testing and Amendments. The spec states to base nutritional program and soil amendments on the test results. Therefore how can amendments be properly priced prior to the test results (Award and work taking place)?
A3. Upon award of contract, the vendor must complete the required soil testing as stated in the RFP spec and submit a copy of the test results and summary report with suggested nutritional program and amendments in April.
Q4. Please be more clear on Lawn Care Monitoring frequency.
A4. Vendors should propose their own suggested monitoring frequency to meet the service requirements outlines in the RFP.
Q5. Please specify the type of mulch to be used in this contract.
A5. Vendor shall supply and install hardwood mulch in planting areas, as needed, no greater than 1” of depth. Vendor should match the color of the existing mulch.
Q6. Where shall the contractor dispose of necessary debris: plant matter, leaves etc.
A6. Vendor is responsible for disposing all debris off-site. The city does not have an area to dispose plant matter or other debris.
Q7. Is a staging area permitted for mulching
A7. Yes, upon award of contract, the vendor will meet with Superintendent of Public Works to discuss staging areas.
Q8. For the Resiliency Parks, for the Spring Cleanup, the spec states there is planting involved. Can you please be specific as to how many plants can be expected to be planted.
A8. Please refer to Attachment 3 in the RFP.
Q9. Just to confirm the existing company will be turning on the irrigation system and make necessary repairs to start the season?
A9. Vendors is responsible for all irrigation activations and repairs except for ResilienCity Park which is currently under contract until July 15, 2025.
Q10. Is there an as built for the irrigation system?
A10. Please refer to attachment 3 in the RFP. Zone maps can be provided to contracted vendor.
Q11. The city is requesting a price for Spring Cleanup. Will that be done by the existing company and will it include all that is supposed to be included with Cleanup?
A11. Vendors should propose Spring Cleanup pricing for parks listed in the RFP specs except ResilienCity Park which is currently under contract until July 15, 2025.
Q12. My last question is about replacing any dead plant material that is more than 50% dead, does the City have a list of what needs to be replaced?
A12. Please refer to attachment 3 in the RFP.
This addendum is posted on the City of Hoboken website to ensure compliance.
The City will not accept any further RFI/questions at this time.
There are no other changes to the RFP documents as part of this addendum.
ATTEST: Date: February 27, 2025
Jennifer Mastropietro, QPA
Purchasing Agent
RFP 25-04
Competitive Contracting
Specialized Landscape Maintenance Services
The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda:
Addendum Number Date Acknowledge Receipt (Initial)
Addendum # 1 February 27, 2025
______________ ______________
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