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Vital Statistics and Licensing

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Vital Statistics and Licensing

This office serves as a local branch of the NJ Department of Vital Statistics and is responsible for maintaining and distributing licenses and certified copies of Vital Records. Please call our office before you stop by, so we can confirm that you have all the necessary documentation to obtain whatever you seek. Since our records contain sensitive personal information, they are not available for open public searches. You can find out more about this protected class of information from the NJ Department of Health. We do not handle social security, divorce, or passports.

To apply for or get a copy of a vital record, including a birth certificate, death certificate, marriage license, marriage certificate, dog license etc., you must submit:

  • A completed application
  • A copy of the proof(s) of your identity
  • The correct fee
  • Proof of your relationship to the person listed on the vital record you are requesting

Contact Info


This office serves as a local branch of the NJ Department of Vital Statistics and is responsible for maintaining and distributing licenses and certified copies of Vital Records. Please call our office before you stop by, so we can confirm that you have all the necessary documentation to obtain whatever you seek. Since our records contain sensitive personal information, they are not available for open public searches. You can find out more about this protected class of information from the NJ Department of Health. We do not handle social security, divorce, or passports.

To apply for or get a copy of a vital record, including a birth certificate, death certificate, marriage license, marriage certificate, dog license etc., you must submit:

  • A completed application
  • A copy of the proof(s) of your identity
  • The correct fee
  • Proof of your relationship to the person listed on the vital record you are requesting

Application Information:

Birth Certificates

Fee: $10 Cash or Money Order

Death Certificates

Fee: $10 Money Order


Marriage Certificates

Fee: $10 Money Order


Marriage or Civil Union Licenses

Fee: $28 Cash
Instructions / Application: www.state.nj.us/health/vital

Business Licenses

New businesses should contact this office to determine if they need to complete a business application. All other businesses will be mailed annual renewals. Check or Cash is acceptable.


Dog Licenses

All Dogs in the City of Hoboken must possess a dog license and maintain it annually.

Fee: $12 Spayed/Neutered, $16 Not Spayed/Neutered. We accept Cash and Personal Check. 


Apostille Seal

All Apostille Seals are handled at the state level. Please go to their website for further assistance by clicking here: New Jersey Department of Vital Statistics

For questions, please call (201) 420-2000, extension 5215 or 5216.

knowledge base: faqs

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