City Council

Emily (Ball) Jabbour was initially elected to the Hoboken City Council in November 2017 and then re-elected for a second term on November 2, 2021. Emily was born in Boston, Massachusetts and grew up in the Boston suburb of Wellesley. For over fifteen years, Emily has proudly worked as a civil servant for the U.S. Department of Health& Human Services in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF).Emily began her federal career through the Presidential Management Fellows program and completed a six month detail assignment with the United States House of Representatives as a Health Fellow for the Committee on Energy and Commerce, Health Subcommittee.

Emily moved to Hoboken in the fall of 2008 and has proudly served as a mentor with the local organization True Mentors, liaison to the HOPES Program for the Brandt Parent Consortium, and founder of the Hudson County Chapter of Moms Demand Action, a grassroots advocacy organization focused on preventing gun violence. Emily is also an active supporter of the Hoboken Public Education Foundation. As a result of her efforts with Moms Demand Action, the Hoboken Police Department now distributes free gun locks with all permits issued, as well as safety materials encouraging proper storage and care of firearms. Emily has also been trained in the Be Smart curriculum, which was created to bring together responsible adults to reduce suicides and the number of unintentional shootings that occur when children get a hold of an unsecured firearm.

Emily graduated from Boston College in 2003 with a B.A. in Psychology, and graduated from Columbia’s School of Social Work in 2006 with a Master of Science in Social Work with a policy focus and Law Minor.


  • Climate Action & Innovation
  • Parking and Transportation (Chair)
  • Parks, Recreation and Public Works
Telephone: (201) 639-4082
Mobile phone:
(201) 351-8304
City Clerks Office 94 Washington St. Hoboken, NJ 07030
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