The Hoboken Police Department swore in six new Police Officers during a ceremony at City Hall on Dec. 16, 2024.
The new officers, who graduated from the Hudson County Police Academy last week, include Stephen Chowanec, Vincent Guastini Jr., Ahmed Makshat, Donovan Ortiz, Mario Rodriguez, and David Smentkowski.
“I want to thank not only the new officers, but also their families, for their commitment and the sacrifices they’ll no doubt be making as they begin this important new chapter,” said Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla. “These six new officers will play an important role in making Hoboken an even safer city to live and work, and I am proud to welcome them to our team.”
“This class reflects the City and Police Department’s commitment to recruit and hire qualified officers, amidst a nationwide challenge of doing so,” said Public Safety Director Ken Ferrante. “Each of these young men brings valuable experience to the HPD, strengthening the force and allowing it to even better serve the community.”
“The job of police officer is not an easy one, but it is a very important one,” said Police Chief Steven Aguiar. “This group is young and ready to take on their new roles. They are the future of Hoboken Police, and I look forward to watching them succeed in the career they have chosen.”
After being sworn-in, the six officers will take part in four months of field training before being assigned to the Hoboken Police Department’s Uniform Patrol Bureau which responds to approximately 100,000 calls a year.
The Hoboken City Council is expected to approve an increase in the HPD’s Table of Organization from 146 to 156 at their next meeting, Wednesday, Dec. 18. This will allow for the hiring of 10 more officers to increase foot patrols and enhance police visibility throughout the City. The Department is looking to fill that table early next year. For more information on how to become a Hoboken police officer, and to learn more about the Hoboken Police Department, visit