Six years ago today, Hoboken was inundated with 500 million gallons of storm surge by Hurricane Sandy. Since then, the City has been working collaboratively with our community, state, and federal partners to reduce the risk of coastal flooding. The City has published Resilient Building Design Guidelines and adopted a flood damage prevention ordinance for Hoboken to build back stronger. A federal grant will invest $230 million in coastal flood risk reduction through the Rebuild by Design – Hudson River Project. $90 million has been invested in resilient stormwater management by the City and North Hudson Sewerage Authority, and $300 million has been invested in energy security by PSE&G.
On Saturday, Hoboken again experienced coastal flooding, reminding us that the risk is still real. Watch Hoboken’s Chief Resiliency Officer explain the project in the context of the October 27 nor'easter below. By 2021, the Rebuild by Design project will significantly reduce Hoboken’s risk from coastal flooding.
As climate change continues to threaten our quality of life, Hoboken will become a leader in climate mitigation. The earth’s climate is changing because of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Hoboken will help mitigate these climate change impacts by lowering the City’s greenhouse gas emissions beyond the targets established by the Paris Climate Agreement. In 2017, the City Council adopted a resolution endorsing a citywide mobilization to attempt carbon neutrality by 2027. The City of Hoboken is quantifying our baseline of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and developing a Climate Action Plan that outlines our path to carbon neutrality by 2027.
Residents are invited to a community meeting to discuss potential climate actions on Thursday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Multi-Service Center, 124 Grand Street.