December 12, 2018

Update from Mayor Bhalla on Union Dry Dock

Dear Residents,

I write to provide you an update regarding Union Dry Dock.  Given the importance of this waterfront property and recent developments, I believe it is important to maintain a high level of transparency so residents are fully informed.

On Monday, I met with members of Governor Phil Murphy’s administration and restated my position that a refueling depot at Union Dry Dock would be unacceptable to the residents of Hoboken. Yesterday, I sent a letter to Governor Murphy’s staff that includes a thorough overview of actions taken to date and recent updates.

To view this letter, please click here

As you may know, this matter has taken a sense of urgency given the recent announcement that the Army Corps of Engineers has notified the City that it granted a permit to New York Waterway to operate at Union Dry Dock, despite our vehement opposition.

However, this in no way shape or form is the final step in this process, and we are 100% committed to redoubling our efforts to fight Union Dry Dock from ever becoming a refueling station.  In the meantime, with NY Waterways in possession of the land at Union Dry Dock, they must abide by our local ordinances and acquire all permits and approvals necessary, some of which they have not done.  If they fail to do so, I will take appropriate measures protect the health, safety and welfare of our residents.  

For a copy of a letter Hoboken’s counsel sent yesterday to New York Waterway, please click here

We must do all we can to preserve our waterfront, and not add a heavy refueling depot that would ravage our local environment. I look forward to continuing our conversation with Governor Murphy and his team, and will keep you updated on our efforts.


Mayor Ravi Bhalla