Election Day is on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. The deadline to register to vote in the election is Tuesday, October 15, 2019. In Hoboken, the ballot will include races for:
Hoboken City Council
3 Trustees for the Hoboken Board of Education
Hudson County Executive
Hudson County Sheriff
Hudson County Surrogate
New Jersey Assembly
To register to vote:
1. Download and complete the Voter Registration Application.
English: https://www.njelections.org/assets/pdf/forms-voter-registration/68-voter-registration-english-hudson.pdf
Spanish: https://www.njelections.org/assets/pdf/forms-voter-registration/68-voter-registration-espanol-hudson.pdf
2. Mail or deliver the Voter Registration Application to
Office of the Superintendent of Elections
257 Cornelison Ave., 4th Floor
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Forms can also be dropped off at the Hoboken City Clerk office located in City Hall at 94 Washington Street. The office will be open with extended hours until 9:00pm on Friday, October 11, and Tuesday, October 15.
Any voter registered in New Jersey can vote absentee by mail. A voter may vote by mail by completing the Application for Vote by Mail Ballot and returning the application to the County Clerk’s Office. To receive your ballot by mail, the application must be received by the County Clerk 7 days prior to the election. The County Clerk will then mail the voter the actual vote by mail ballot, which must also be mailed and returned. A voter may also apply in person to the County Clerk until 3:00 p.m., the day before the election.
Vote by Mail Application: https://www.hudsoncountyclerk.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/New-VBM-English.pdf
Solicitud de Voto Por Correo: https://www.hudsoncountyclerk.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/New-VBM-Hudson-Spanish.pdf
Hudson County Clerk
257 Cornelison Ave., 4th Floor
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Use the following link to check if you are registered to vote: https://voter.njsvrs.com/PublicAccess/servlet/com.saber.publicaccess.control.PublicAccessNavigationServlet?USERPROCESS=PublicSearch
Find your polling place by using the online search tool: https://voter.njsvrs.com/PublicAccess/jsp/PollPlace/PollPlaceSearch.jsp